Service provided by CDG, responsible, by virtue of articles 2 and 15 of the dahir establishing its creation, to receive administrative and judicial consignments as well as guarantees. This service consists of receiving the rights of natural or legal persons with a view to preserving and then restoring these rights to their duly recognized and identified beneficiaries.
Terms & Conditions
The consignments received, which can only be in cash or in value, are those ordered or authorized by a dahir, by a regulatory text or by an administrative or judicial decision.
Remuneration of sums deposited
The sums deposited receive remuneration, the rate of which is set by the Chief Executive Officer on the advice of the supervisory committee, except for provisional guarantees (art. 20).
Consignment categories
- Administrative and judicial consignments.
- Provisional bonds from bidders.
- Definitive guarantees from public service concessionaires and those awarded public works or supply contracts.
- The various administrative guarantees and the guarantees provided for by law.
- Deductions made following seizures, judgments or oppositions on the salaries or wages of civil or military officials
Consignment cases
- The property of minors and incapable persons, under the supervision of juvenile judges
- Provisional compensation for expropriation for public utility
- Final compensation for expropriation for public utility
- The inheritance and indemnities of Moroccan nationals who died abroad, reverting to beneficiaries residing in Morocco
- The proceeds from the sale of bearer securities not registered in the account
- The consignments under article 39 of Royal Decree n ° 330-66 of April 21, 1967 relating to the general public accountancy regulations
- Consignment of dormant bank account balances
- The sums left by patients in hospitals
- The sums coming from the accounts cleared automatically by the General Treasury of the Kingdom
- Deductions under opposition payday
- Amounts deposited by public establishments, services, or local communities, on behalf of various creditors
- The nest egg for deceased, released or escaped prisoners
- Consignments of sums or values ordered by a court decision
- Proceeds from vacant or unclaimed estates
- Balances and sale prices for land, not claimed by their holders, following a purchase or sale subscription
- Salaries and gratuities not received by deceased officials
- Bonds for opening trade in arms and ammunition
- Surety bonds from travel agencies
- Deposits payable by employees
- Bonds from private recruitment agencies.
Consignment methods
All consignments must be the subject of a consignment declaration (or consignment request), duly numbered and dated and mentioning:
- The identity and quality of the consignor
- The object of the consignment and the reference to legal or regulatory provisions
- The identity of the beneficiary or of the one supposed to be the beneficiary, his CIN and his last address possibly
- The amount to be deposited
- The conditions provided for the de-consignment: upon production of a release from the consignor or at the request of the beneficiary, etc.
Payments can be made:
- At the counter of the Regional, Prefectural or Provincial Treasury closest to the depositor's place of residence. The Treasurers act as correspondents of CDG.
- From the General Cashier of the Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion, in Rabat, at the headquarters of this establishment
- By transfer to the CDG Consignations account n ° 060 810 0010101008510002 63.
- By check made out to the General Manager of the Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion.
- In cash at the counters of regional, provincial and prefectural treasuries or at CDG headquarters.
Methods of de-registration
Deconsignation subject to prior authorization (release) by the depositor
The applicant :
- Takes the attachment of the depositor
- Provides the depositor with the documents and documents necessary to establish the release
- The depositor establishes the release and the address to CDG
- The release (duly referenced and dated), will mention:
- The identity of the depositor
- The number and date of the decision or the recording request
- The amount recorded in figures and words
- The deposit account number and / or the receipt number issued following payment of the deposit
- The identity of the beneficiary (ies), address and CIN number
- The amount to be unregistered in figures and words
- The payment method desired by the beneficiary.
Decommissioning of compensation for expropriation
It is subordinated to the production of a release from the expropriating authority: the justifications for a right to compensation are the responsibility of the expropriating authority which designates the beneficiary of the compensation, a fortiori his beneficiaries.
Decommissioning of inheritance products and indemnities due to beneficiaries, residing in Morocco, Moroccan nationals who died abroad
Designation of the inheritance product:
- It is done on production of a release established by the Public Prosecutor of the place of residence of the heirs of the proceeds of the succession.
- The release must indicate the identity of the beneficiaries and the share due to each heir.
Denial of compensation following accidental death:
- It is carried out with the authorization of the Directorate of Consular and Social Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Return of guarantees
It is subject to the production of a release, duly established by the administration concerned according to the model provided, and the original of the payment receipt issued at the time of deposit.
Designation not subject to prior authorization of the depositor
The applicant, or his representative possibly (duly authorized), sends directly to CDG a written request on plain paper mentioning his exact identity, his CIN, his address, the origin of the deposit, its amount, the identity of the depositor, the number of the payment receipt and the desired payment method.
The beneficiary's heirs
In the event of the beneficiary's death, the heirs submit a request for de-registration directly to CDG, to which must be attached any document and deed making it possible to identify the heirs and their share.
Reimbursement of sums deposited
When the withdrawal formalities are duly completed, CDG proceeds to the payment for the benefit of the beneficiary, his representative, his heirs.
Payment can be made according to the payment method desired by the beneficiary:
- By transfer to the beneficiary's bank or postal account.
- By check drawn on the CDG account at the TGR payable to the Treasury network.
- By making it available to the treasury closest to the beneficiary's domicile,
- In cash at the CDG counter if the amount is less than or equal to 5,000 Dhs.
The amount to be reimbursed by CDG includes:
- The amount initially deposited or the amount of the bond.
- The interest produced by this sum and served by CDG, after deduction of TPPRF (Tax on Fixed Income Investment Products).
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Reference texts
- Law n ° 35-96 of 9/01/1997 relating to the creation of a general regime for the registration in account of certain securities promulgated by the dahir n ° 1-96-246 of 29 chaâbane 1417 (January 9, 1997 )
- Royal Decree n ° 330-66 of April 21, 1967 relating to the general public accounting regulations; article 3
Recruitment agencies
- Law No. 65-99 relating to the Labor Code promulgated by Dahir No. 1-03-194 of 14 Rejeb 1424 (September 11, 2003)
Travel agencies
- Law 31-96 of February 12, 1997 relating to the statute of travel agencies promulgated by the dahir n ° 1-97-64 of 4 chaoual 1417
- Decree n ° 2-97-547 of October 28, 1997 fixing the modalities of application of law 31-96 relating to the statute of travel agencie
Administrative bonds
- Dahir of 18 moharrem 1356 (March 31, 1937) regulating the import, trade, port, possession and deposit of arms and their ammunition
- Circular of the 1st Ministry n ° 72.CAB of November 26, 1992, relating to the financial guarantees required from bidders and successful tenderers of public contract
The succession of Moroccans who died abroad
- Joint Instructions n ° 7 / D / 2007 of 07/09/2007 of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Interior, Justice, Economy and Finance and Employment and Training professional
Consignments of dormant bank account balances
- Article 152 of Law No. 103-12 promulgated by Dahir No. 1-14-193 of 1st Rabii I 1436 (December 24, 2014) relating to the receipt of balances of accounts closed by credit institutions and similar organizations, likely to be affected by prescription.
AMANTI : https://www.amanti.ma/
Documents to download
Minors' goods
Download the guide for the judge in charge of juvenile cases
Download the account opening request
Download the payment declaration
Download the withdrawal request
Surety bond (provisional, final or administrative)
Download the request for provisional security
Download the definitive bond application
Download the declaration of definitive constitution
Bond for the exercise
Download the travel agency surety bond application
Download the recruitment agency bond application
Download the RIPT (Résidence Immobilière de Promotion Touristique) bond request
Rate of pay