Mission and strategy
The original business of the Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion, Savings Management centralizes, mobilizes, and secures long-term savings and makes them available to the Group, which plays the role of institutional investor serving the interests of general.
Beyond the regulated and general interest nature, Savings Management is positioned today as a fundamental pillar of the new strategy for 2022 of the CDG Group and is in line with its vocation of supporting services of the State in their transformation by offering adapted solutions and associated quality services.
A strategy focused on strengthening customer relationships
A benchmark player in regulated savings, CDG's original mission is to mobilize, secure and manage regulated deposits, consignment funds and deposits entrusted under mandate. In order to take up this major challenge and meet the requirements implied by respect for its mission, CDG's Savings Management Pole is implementing a strategy aimed at strengthening its role as a “trusted third party” and mobilizer of the economy. long-term savings.
This strategy is centered around strengthening the customer relationship and is built around the following axes:
- The development, for each type of clientele, of a specific offer, integrating fund management and custody services and account maintenance services.
- Improving the quality of service.
- The establishment of a local network.
To achieve these strategic objectives, the Savings Management Pole has initiated a reorganization around its different types of customers and funds managed by CDG.
Thus, CDG is in charge of:
Centralization of deposits from (s):
- Social Security Reserves - General Regime (CNSS)
- The Caisse d'Epargne Nationale (CEN) collected by Barid Al Maghrib / Al Barid Bank
- Legal Professions (Third Party Fund for Notaries, Fund for Secretaries - Court Clerks, Fund for Bars and Lawyers, ...)
- Consignments (Administrative, Legal and Surety, ...)
And fund management:
- Reserves and surpluses of the Basic Compulsory Health Insurance Schemes;
- Specific institutions such as: Guarantee Fund for Work Accidents, Insurance Fund for Notaries, ...
Beyond the regulated nature and the general interest intrinsic to these activities, the priority for the future is to strengthen the role of the Institution in its vocation as “Trusted Third Party of regulated savings and deposit funds”.
To do this, CDG adopts an approach based on the principles of security, profitability and required liquidity.
This approach is carried out within a constantly renewed framework, by adopting a personalized management according to the best standards in terms of innovation, proximity, know-how, and quality, and this, at the service of the various stakeholders.
Download the quality policy of the QMS PGE (.pdf)
