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Engineering & Delegated Project management

  • Mission

    A subsidiary of CDG Development, Novec is a major player in Moroccan engineering. With complete expertise allowing it to intervene on complex and large-scale projects, the company employs more than 500 people who operate in various fields of activity, covering major infrastructures, water, the environment, agriculture, energy, and construction.

    With a solid reputation in Morocco, Novec also intends to increase its international presence to capture growth opportunities.

  • Mission

    CGI Management is a subsidiary of Compagnie Générale Immobilière (CGI), dedicated to managing Delegated Project Management projects. Its main mission, thanks to its pool of skills, is to follow the realization, through a delegation mandate, of the real estate projects of its clients (public and private). This is embodied, among other things, in the monitoring of architectural and technical studies, implementation, until the delivery of the project, while respecting the specificities inherent in each work and the allocated budget.

  • Mission

    Lacivac is a company specializing in services relating to the activities of Social Project Management and land release & remediation. It is part of the urban development, renewal and requalification programs planned at the national level. Lacivac aims to become a national benchmark player in Social Support, mediation, and Social Project Management.

  • Mission

    Innovative Energy & Efficiency (INEE) was created to achieve CDG Group's energy transition commitments, thus embodying excellence in the energy services sector. It provides integrated solutions dedicated to energy efficiency, renewable energy, and decarbonization. INEE exclusively works on the implementation of energy-efficient projects in strategic sectors such as public lighting, industry, tertiary, transport and logistics, as well as agriculture.


CDG Development

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  • Mission

    The Régime Collectif d’Allocation de Retraite (RCAR) is a social welfare institution endowed with legal personality and financial autonomy, created by the Dahir on law n ° 1-77-216 of October 4, 1977 and managed by the Deposit and Management.

    The purpose of the RCAR is to guarantee personal rights for the benefit of the member or his successors in respect of the risks of old age, disability, and death. To fulfill this mission, the RCAR is made up of a general scheme and a complementary scheme. The main rights guaranteed by RCAR are retirement, disability or death pensions, savings, family allowances and transfer of rights.

  • Mission

    The Caisse Nationale de Retraites et d’Assurances (CNRA) is a public establishment managed by the Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion through CDG Prévoyance. It operates in the areas of annuity management that it serves in compensation for work and traffic accidents. It also offers targeted retirement product offers and manages retirement and solidarity funds on behalf of the State. The CNRA also has an authorization allowing it to offer life insurance and capitalization products.

Consignments and Guarantees

Savings management

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