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Rethinking the social and solidarity economy in Morocco

For more than 50 years, the question of social and solidarity economy (SSE) has been treated several times
in Morocco. Today, this theme is more relevant than ever since it is considered by the new development
model report as a central pillar which allows economic activity to be oriented towards practices responsible
for the environment and the society. Indeed, the development of social and solidarity economy allows the
enhancement of territories and contributes to the creation of jobs through the integration of people in
precarious situations.

Webinar on the subject of “Reducing Territorial Disparities”

Territorial disparities are at the centre of the debates among political decision-makers across the globe, including Morocco. With inequalities in health care, education, job opportunities, infrastructure, and urbanism, the territories show significant disparities that continue to deepen over time. 

Launch of Xperis Services

  • Ambitious vision of CDG Development to build a key player in Facility and Property management.
  • Large-scale project, in line with CDG Group's strategy, in particular through the consolidation of professions and highlighting of the pillar of expertise.
  • Grouping by Xperis Services for the Facility and Property Management activities of the MedZ Sourcing, CGPark and Foncière Chellah subsidiaries.

200 award-winning micro-projects for the 7th edition of the National Support Program for Income-Generating Activities via Microcredit for a total of 2.7 Million Dirhams in financial aid

Launched in July 2021, the 7th edition of the National Support Program for Income-Generating Activities via Microcredit saw the participation of 413 micro-project leaders located in the different regions of the Kingdom. At the end of the first selection stage, 232 projects were deemed to comply with the eligibility criteria, and were submitted to the final evaluation.

Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion receives the 2021 e-mtiaz award for its AMANTI service

As part of the 14th edition of the National Prize for Electronic Administration "e-mtiaz 2021", the Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion received, this Monday, March 21st, 2022, the prize of excellence in the category "Mobile applications for its AMANTI service.

Dedicated to mobile applications that can be consulted on smartphones and tablets (IOS, Android, Windows, etc.), this category rewards the best service enabling citizens and businesses, through creative and innovative solutions, to access public services in a simple and efficient way. .

Al Barid Bank and FINÉA forge a strategic partnership at the service of Moroccan VSMEs

Al Barid Bank, represented by its Chairman of the Board, Mr. Redouane Najmeddine , and Finéa, a subsidiary of the CDG Group, represented by its Chief Executive, Mr. Mohammed Belmaachi, have signed a partnership in favor of Moroccan VSMEs, with a view to providing them with the necessary means to further facilitate their access to financing.

CDG GROUP INSTITUTE organised a webinar to boost tourism ecosystems

Tourism is a key driver for employment and national growth. But Covid-19 has radically changed the equation. The impact upon businesses and workers in the tourism sector has been unprecedented in terms of corporate failures, losses of jobs, and investment decline. Besides, and to maintain its position, Morocco must also adapt to the shifts affecting tourism: meaningful experience over standardized products, emergence of new touristic territories, diversity of stakeholders, modifications of existing practices, and development of new technologies.

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