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200 award-winning micro-projects for the 7th edition of the National Support Program for Income-Generating Activities via Microcredit for a total of 2.7 Million Dirhams in financial aid

Launched in July 2021, the 7th edition of the National Support Program for Income-Generating Activities via Microcredit saw the participation of 413 micro-project leaders located in the different regions of the Kingdom. At the end of the first selection stage, 232 projects were deemed to comply with the eligibility criteria, and were submitted to the final evaluation.

The evaluation of the applications by the jury thus enabled the final selection of 200 micro-projects (78 women and 122 men) meeting the selection criteria and the rules of the call for projects decided by the Program Steering Committee.

In total, 2.7 million dirhams of financial aid were allocated to all the selected micro-projects.

Trophies, medals and certificates of merit were also sent to the managers of the AMCs participating in this edition, namely: Attadamoune, Al Amana, ARDI, Attawfiq, Arrawaj, and Inmaa.

As a reminder, the National Support Program for Income Generating Activities (IGAs) via Microcredit was initiated in 2014 by the CDG Foundation in partnership with the Mohammed VI Support Center for Microfinance Solidarity, the National Federation of Microcredit Associations and the Jaïda Fund. Its objective is to contribute to the fight against the social exclusion of the youth by promoting self-employment, thus contributing to their integration and economic autonomy. This proactive initiative of the partners allows the identification and financial support of initiatives in terms of IGAs led by micro-entrepreneurs, women and men, accompanied by Microcredit Associations (AMC), and whose viability and relevance have earned these projects pre-financing from the latter.

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