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  • Mission

    Approved by Bank Al-Maghrib, Finéa is a financing company driven by a mission of general interest in the service of the development of the national company, by facilitating its access to financing and public order.

    Finéa is positioned today as a market establishment, acting in cooperation and in complementarity with the banking sector. With its commitment to contribute to the democratization of access to financing for the Moroccan SME, Finéa is considered as an important vector of financing. The establishment offers tailor-made, innovative and adapted solutions through financing, co-financing and refinancing.

  • Mission

    JAÏDA is a finance company for microfinance institutions in Morocco approved and created by its founding shareholders: CDG, KfW (German development aid bank), Caisse des Dépôts française (CDC) and Agence Française de Développement (AFD), who were joined in 2010 by Barid Al Maghrib. Its mission is to support the development of microfinance institutions by granting them financing and supporting them in setting up development programs based on microcredit offers adapted to the needs of their clients.

    Since its creation in 2007, JAÏDA has invested nearly 3.3 billion dirhams (300 million euros) in the microfinance (MF) sector in Morocco. JAÏDA is one of the largest donors in the sector in Morocco with nearly 19% of the market, i.e. a total outstanding amount of 922 million dirhams (84 million euros) at the end of September 2020.

  • Mission

    A subsidiary of CDG (60%) and CIH Bank (40%), Ajarinvest is the first OPCI management company approved by the AMMC. Created in 2016 to support the OPCI management activity within the CDG Group, it specializes in the structuring and management of funds investing directly or indirectly in tertiary rental property assets.

    The creation of Ajarinvest reflects the commitment of its shareholders in favor of the development of the national financial market and in favor of the strengthening of tools and products consolidating the attractiveness of the Kingdom in terms of economic development and investment encouragement.