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Regarding deposits (expropriations, etc...) Any deposit requires a deposit application dated and numbered indicating:


  • The identity and function of the depositor;

  • The purpose of the deposit and reference to appropriate laws and regulations;

  • The identity of the beneficiary or his supposed latest address, national identity card number where possible;

  • The amount to be deposited;

  • The conditions for its release.


As regards property belonging to minors or incompetent persons: Any request to open an account must be established by the qadi in charge of juvenile cases and shall be duly signed and sealed, and include:


  • The full name of the minor or incompetent person;

  • The full name of his guardian, national identity card number and address.


Regarding guarantees: Guarantees may be made to the order of:


  • Treasury accountants (regional, prefecture and provincial Treasuries) who act as correspondents of the Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion;

  • Seat of the Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion at its branch in Rabat.

