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What is the RCAR?

Collective Retirement Allowance Plan (RCAR) is a retirement plan with legal personality and financial autonomy, created by Dahir No. 1-77-216 of 4 October 1977 and assigned to be managed by CDG. It covers common law contractual agents, non-incumbent state officials and local authority staff as well as employees of public bodies subject to financial control of the State.

What are the plans and funds entrusted to the CNRA under mandated management?

CNRA provides expertise in the management of pension funds in the service of the following partners:


  • Pension AT / CNIA - Saada Assurance;

  • Pension Fund of the Bar of Casablanca;

  • Pension Plan for Members of the House of Representatives;

  • Pension Plan for Members of the House of Councillors;

  • Management of litigation at Collieries of Morocco;

  • Deferred pensions of ONCF, DRAPOR and ODEP;

  • Management of labour funds.

What annuities are managed by the CNRA?

CNRA manages two types of annuities:


  • Workmen's Compensation Annuities (AT): the role of CNRA is to receive the capital amount of annuities awarded by legal judgement as compensation for accidents or in common law, and to provide annuities to beneficiaries.

  • Traffic Accidents Annuities (AC): CNRA's mission is to receive as a lump sum the amount of compensation due to victims or their minor dependents, and to distribute it as pensions to beneficiaries.

What is the CNRA?

The National Pension and Insurance Fund (CNRA) is a public institution with legal personality and financial autonomy, created by Dahir No. 1-59-301 of 27 October 1959 and entrusted to be managed by CDG. CNRA's mission is to:


  • Grant insurance for immediate, life, temporary and deferred annuities;

  • Receive constituent capital of annuities authorized by judicial decisions as compensation for accidents at work or common law;

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