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Exprom Facilities: CGEM award for Corporate Social Responsibility

On January 14, the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) made its award for Responsibility for Social Enterprise (CSR) to Exprom Facilities.

The company joins the club of major business award winners. It also confirmed its adherence to national standards among others in terms of continuous improvement of working conditions, labor and industrial relations and protection of the environment.

Exprom Facilities began the certification process in July 2012. Indeed, as an ethical and responsible c corporate citizen, the company has been keen to adopt the best governance practices. Aware that consideration of environmental and social issues has an undeniable impact on business, Exprom Facilities wished to adopt an approach that combines the pursuit of performance and innovation and, respect for the principles of CSR.

Obtaining the CGEM award for CSR will certainly have a very positive impact on Exprom Facilities. Thus, the business-oriented approach, by the process of continuous improvement, will allow it to create value, through:

  • A better understanding of risks and opportunities
  • Improving competitiveness and access to markets.
  • Strengthening cohesion and efficiency.
  • Establishing with confidence a dialogue with stakeholders.
  • Greater stimulation of its teams.
  • Credible and transparent communications.
  • Positive differentiation

Award-winning process followed by Exprom Facilities

The process followed the following main steps:

  • Mapping of strengths and routes for improvement, prioritizing the issues and highlighting risks and opportunities.
  • A proposed roadmap of the CSR approach, including performance indicators, with a view to making a tangible contribution to the strategic goals of the company and optimizing operational performance.
  • Employee awareness of the issues of social responsibility
  • Presentation of the case to the award committee CGEM

Social responsibility

Social responsibility is a managerial commitment to:

  • Consider the importance of the legitimate expectations and fundamental rights of stakeholders.
  • Recognize, with a view to the continuous improvement and performance involved, the processes of integrating the expectations of stakeholders into the strategy of the organization.