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CNRA/RCAR : The Provident Division won the first prize for excellence E-mtiaz 2015 for e-administration

The Provident Division took the first prize for excellence E-mtiaz 2015 for electronic administration in the categories ‘e-content’ and ‘call centre’. These two national prizes were the reward for the efforts made to simplify procedures and update bureaucracy over several years at CNRA and RCAR; and thus recognizing its even greater importance as it concerned one of the best social objectives of both organizations.

These initiatives provide a quality public service of international standard to all customers of the provident plans and funds managed by CDG, including Al Daam Aramil, the Labour Fund, the Family Assistance Fund, Work and Traffic Accident pensions and the Collective Retirement Plan.

This distinction adds to the National Quality Award – category: large service organizations (2010), the National Award for digital administration Emtiaz (2008) and recent international recognition obtained by the Provident Division in the field of public service: first prize ISSA for its customer relations management system in 2014 and first prize from the United Nations for its prevention and anti-corruption system in 2013.