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Signature of a cooperative framework-agreement between the CDG and the CNSS (National Social Security Fund) of Niger

The work of the 4th session of the Morocco-Niger major joint committee was capped Tuesday, December 26th, 2017, by the signing of several cooperative agreements including a framework-agreement concluded between the Deposit and Management Fund (CDG) of Morocco and the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) of Niger.

On the CDG side, this agreement was signed by Mrs. Latifa ECHIHABI, General Secretary of the CDG and on the Nigerien side, by Dr. Akilou Ahmet BARINGAYE, Director General of the CNSS.

The signing ceremony took place under the chairmanship of Mr. Nacer BOURITA, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and in the presence of several members of the Moroccan Government.

As part of the Royal High Guidelines for the spreading of Moroccan roots in Africa, this convention gives a new impetus to the South-South cooperation initiated by the CDG in recent years. It is therefore added to a series of agreements linking the Deposit and Management Fund to various institutions and organizations of countries that are brothers and friends on the continent.

This partnership establishes a legal framework for collaboration between the two institutions in the areas of pension management, information systems and training.

It should also be noted that the minutes of this joint commission signed by the two foreign ministers provide for cooperation between the CDG and the newly created Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) of Niger.

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