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SAZ : Signature of an agreement for NIF with FDA

Co-financing by the French Development Agency (FDA) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) for the Zenata Development Company (Société d'aménagement de Zenata - SAZ) enabled the approval of a grant from the European Commission, its management delegated to the FDA.

As such, on 3 June 2015, the ZDC and the FDA signed at the offices of the Zenata Development Company, and in the presence of the EIB and the delegation of the European Union in Morocco, an agreement to grant €4 million spread over a period of 5 years under the Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF).

This grant is intended to finance a technical assistance project for the Zenata Eco-City and tied to the following 3 components:

  • 1 : Support for the sustainable city approach ;
  • 2 : Support for its environmental and social aspects
  • 3 : Support for the public policy of new towns by participation in nation-wide discussions and by capitalizing on the Zenata experience.

The signing of this grant follows the loan agreements signed in 2013 with FDA (€150 million) and in 2014 with the EIB (€150 million), demonstrating once again the confidence of the donors in Zenata Eco-City.