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Novec: Novec honored with CSR label of the CGEM

Novec obtained CGEM’s CSR label on Wednesday, October 8, 2014. This label adopted by the CGEM Board of Directors in December 2006, is based on 9 themes:

  • Respect for human rights;
  • Continuous improvement of employment and working conditions and labor relations;
  • Protecting the environment;
  • Preventing corruption;
  • Respect for the rules of fair competition;
  • Increasing transparency of corporate governance;
  • Respect for the interests of customers and consumers;
  • Promoting social responsibility of suppliers and subcontractors;
  • Developing community involvement.

Granting of the label is made by the award committee of the CGEM following a review of the assessment report provided by the audit firm accredited by the confederation.This distinction thus corroborates Novec’s effective commitment to adopting an approach to social responsibility in its managerial strategy that takes into account the expectations and interests of its internal and external stakeholders: employees, customers, suppliers, community, shareholders, etc.

CSR, what is it?

CGEM refers to the definition in ISO 26000 of guidelines for corporate social responsibility :

"Responsibility of an organization relative to the impact of its decisions and activities on society and the environment, reflected in its transparent and ethical behavior and:

  • Contributing to sustainable development, including the health and well-being of the company;
  • Taking into account the expectations of stakeholders;
  • Respecting existing laws while being consistent with international norms of behavior;
  • A policy that is observed throughout the organization and implemented in relationships.”