Nama Holding

  • Mahaj Ryad Center, Immeuble Business 7, 3ème étage, Hay Riad, Rabat 10100
  • 05 37 69 30 10/20
Madaef Branche


Branche Investissement

Madaef Activité

Field of activity

Détention et gestion d’un portefeuille diversifié de participations


Nama Holding is a strategic investment fund dedicated to investment in industries having high export content/potential, replacing imports or responding to a logic of industrial sovereignty. It places a particular focus on Morocco's global business lines (automotive, textiles, agro-industry and aeronautics).

Structured in 2020 with a target size of MAD 1.5 billion expandable to MAD 3 billion in the medium term, Nama Holding aims to support Moroccan or foreign players with ambitious and profitable development projects in Morocco, that align with its strategic positioning, show high prospects for growth, and generate an additional economic impact on the targeted sector and/or industry.

Flagship projects