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Ms. Echihabi, established as CDG Secretary General

Mr. Abdellatif Zaghnoun – the CDG Director General, has chaired today in Rabat, at the CDG head office, the installation ceremony of Ms. Latifa ECHIHABI, CDG new Secretary General.

Appointed on June 29th 2017 as CDG Secretary General, Ms. ECHIHABI is an EMI graduate. She occupied several executive positions within the Ministry of Industry, Investment, Commerce and Digital Economy, and has managed MAROC PME (ex- ANPME) for more than 16 years, before becoming the Secretary General of the aforementioned Ministry, since October 2013.

Mr. Zaghnoun wished her, on behalf of all the CDG Group collaborators, full success in her new functions.

Besides, Mr. Zaghnoun has seized this opportunity to salute Mr. Saïd Laftit, the CDG former Secretary General and to thank Mr. Lahbib El Idrissi Lalami for his exemplary dedication and involvement, as well as for the efforts he deployed during the period, he carried out the functions of Interim Secretary General besides his functions as Inspector General.

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