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MEDZ: New Organization

The year 2013 was marked by the strategic review of MEDZ’s activities. Aids to improvement with a high impact on its business model have been identified.

MEDZ has developed a strategic plan of 17 projects, built around the four internal themes:

  • 1. Adaptation of supply to customer expectations
  • 2. Reinforcing marketing strategy
  • 3. Monetizing assets
  • 4. Optimizing charges

To support the implementation of its ambitious strategic plan, the Executive Board adopted a new organizational structure to meet the challenges of business performance and confront the many financial challenges MEDZ faces.

The new organization is based on three main principles:

  • Centralization of the Industry & Sourcing sales force at MEDZ to make the necessary combined efforts.
  • Strengthening customer orientation through the creation of commercial and marketing supervision managements. The objective is first to ensure better control of knowledge of the markets and better ability to anticipate their movements, and, second, greater responsiveness vis-à-vis customers.
  • Developing a sense of responsibility, commitment and decision-making to increase reactiveness.