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Finéa : Finéa and Bpifrance in partnership to bring new development solutions to SME and VSE

Finea, represented by its Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Ali Bensouda and Bpifrance, represented by its Executive Director, Mr. Pascal Lagarde, signed on 16 January 2015 a memorandum of understanding for the purpose of promoting trade and development of Moroccan and French companies in Morocco and France respectively.

This partnership framework between the two institutions aims to strengthen support for Moroccan and French SME and lays down the following areas of cooperation:

Exchanges between the Parties:

  • Developing support systems for SME in innovation and/or development and/or for exports, and/or to create new ones;
  • Promoting and publicizing fund-raising operations that contribute to providing financing and guarantees for the development of SME and VSE.

Facilitating business relationships:

  • Facilitating relationships between businesses and encouraging economic and technological exchanges and collaboration in innovation between French and Moroccan SME.

Facilitating bilateral financing:

  • Facilitating bilateral funding through the implementation of a system of counter-guarantees of financing for Moroccan and French SME by both institutions and the establishment of a common scoring system for assessing the risk for the purchasing company in the context of cross-border buyer credits.

Franco-Moroccan co-development with regard to Africa:

  • Facilitating collaboration between French and Moroccan companies seeking to expand in sub-Saharan Africa.


About Bpifrance:

Bpifrance is a public investment bank that is the trusted partner of entrepreneurs. It finances companies from start-up to stock exchange listing through transfer, credit, guarantee and equity. Bpifrance also assists in export, in partnership with Business France and Coface and in their innovation projects. Bpifrance provides companies with the advantage of a powerful, convenient and effective helper enabling them to meet their financing needs at every stage of their development. Bpifrance is split equally between two shareholders, the State and the Caisse des Dépôts. It acts in support of public policies pursued by the State and the Regions. It aims to:

  • Promote territorial economic development;
  • Participate in industrial and economic renewal in France;
  • Motivate tomorrow’s winners.

Bpifrance means...

  • Leverage from 18 billion euros raised for companies**
  • 2,200 employees working alongside entrepreneurs
  • 78,400 companies supported**

** in 2013