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To prepare for an interview, we advise you to browse the website of CDG and the reports of its activities. This will allow you to learn more about our organization, its activities and culture. Also, do not hesitate to re-read the job offer to clearly understand the mission and the expectations of the recruiters and prepare yourself to put forward during the interview that which in your academic and professional career will be useful for this post.

Your CV and cover letter should make the recruiter want to know you better and enhance the qualities, skills and experience that best meet the requirements of the position you are applying for.

Your CV should preferably be on a page that must contain the following information :


  • Contact: Name, address, e-mail and phone number

  • Training: Graduate - from latest to earliest degrees

  • Professional Experience: from latest to earliest, highlighting the tasks you have achieved and the skills you have acquired

  • Computer and language skills


Your cover letter should allow us to clearly understand why you want to join CDG, and highlight the match between your profile and the position you are applying for and your understanding of this post.

The e-mail application must include your updated CV and a cover letter.

You can apply for several positions if they are in line with your profile. We strongly recommend that you make sure to apply only for jobs that match your profile by reviewing the job description and more particularly the "desired profile" to ensure that your application matches the need.

The jobs published on our website depend on recruitment needs. If you cannot find a job that matches your profile, we recommend that you regularly check the Contact Us page to keep yourself informed of new job openings.

You can also send an unsolicited application to Your application will be carefully stored in the CV library and used in case your profile fits a need.

Given the diversity of professions and activities of the Group, we are looking for people with different levels of seniority (graduate, experienced or manager), specializing in various sectors (banking, tourism, support businesses, etc...) and who all want to build a long-term career with CDG.

We are looking for candidates who wish to learn and develop within the CDG Group.

Job postings are published according to the recruitment needs and the recruitment plan. You can check out the deals in Contact Us.

As a long-term investor, CDG adopts a strategy of distribution of investments in all regions of the Kingdom, as part of the balanced regional vision established by the State. Several projects are currently under study in different regions to meet the demand for all types of customers.

CDG Group offers a full range of products and services in several Sourcing zones: Casablanca, Rabat, Fez and Oujda. MedZ Sourcing, a subsidiary of MedZ operating in the management of Sourcing business parks built by CDG is the best contact for this sector.

CDG Group has several commercial real estate programs and office parks in Casablanca, Rabat and Tetouan, built by the subsidiary Foncière Chellah.