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Dyar Al Mansour : Partnership with Al Barid Bank

On 3 February, a signing ceremony was held at Dyar Al Mansour of the partnership agreement between the companies:

  • Dyar Al Mansour, represented by Mr. Abdellatif Hadj Hamou, CEO.
  • Al Barid Bank, represented by Mr. Redouane Najm-Eddine, CEO.

The partnership agreement between the two companies allows customers to Al Barid Bank holding a Housing Savings Account to benefit from preferential conditions for the acquisition of Dyar Al Mansour social and low- income housing. The agreement also covers the provision by Al Barid Bank of home loans to facilitate access to individual ownership by customers of Dyar Al Mansour through the various real estate programs of the company.

The partnership established between these two State bodies is the result of combining the expertise of these companies, which both have a strong social impact and share similar interests and missions. Thus, Dyar Al Mansour operates in the sector of real estate. It specializes in social and intermediate housing, as well as urban renewal. The company also participates in the government program to eradicate slums. For its part, Al Barid Bank (subsidiary of Barid Al-Maghrib) is a holder of institutional savings. Offering a wide range of banking products and services at fair prices, it facilitates access to financial services and contributes to the acceleration of bringing banking to Moroccan citizens.

This partnership, established to improve the living conditions of low-income people, will expand in the future due to the increase and diversification of the offers and products of Dyar Al Mansour and Al Barid Bank.

Through their combined efforts, both companies affirm their commitment and pledge to support the government in meeting the needs of access to housing for the middle classes and the poor.