On 17 October 2023, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, launched the Direct State Assistance Program for Housing Support, aimed at improving the conditions of access to housing for low and middle-income social classes. The program is open to Moroccans living in Morocco or abroad who do not own property in Morocco and who have never benefited from any housing assistance. The amount of the assistance is determined based on the value of the property acquired. 

Capitalizing on the expertise developed in the field of mandated management of social programs on behalf of the State, the implementation of the scheme was entrusted to Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion, through the Caisse Nationale de Retraites et d'Assurances (CNRA), as per a mandated management agreement signed with the Ministry of National Territory Development, Land Planning, Housing and City Policy  (MATUHPV) and the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF).


This agreement covers all the processes involved in the deployment of this scheme, from the registration of applicants to the management of entitlements, the payment of subsidies and the processing of the requests of assistance applicants. 

The CNRA has put in place all the necessary operational and technical measures to ensure the efficient and effective implementation of the end-to-end process: 

  • The creation of a secure "Full Digital" platform called "DAAM SAKANE", comprising a WEB portal "www.daamsakane.ma" and a mobile application "DAAM SAKANE", designed to support applicants and beneficiaries throughout the process, from registration to obtaining the release.

  • The digitalization of the eligibility verifications through automated exchanges (via APIs) with partners, in particular with the Ministry of the Economy and Finance through the General Directorate of Taxes and the General Treasury of the Kingdom, the Ministry of the Interior through the "ROKHAS" platform, the Directorate General of National Security, the National Agency for Property Registry, Land Surveying and Cartography, the National Council of Moroccan Notary Associations and the Agency for Military Housing and Equipment.

  • The implementation of an operational control and monitoring mechanism for the entire value chain of the system.

  • Creation of a program management portal for the authorizing officers.