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CDG international program for Africa

Rabat, September 15th 2017 – The CDG organized from September 12th to 15th a seminary to present and promote its economic model before financial and economic actors of the African Continent. This initiative is a first ever one and aims at showing off the special economic model of a « deposit fund » as a tool of raising, managing and transforming savings for the Kingdom Development.

This event, called « CDG International Program for Africa » was an opportunity to share ideas and debates around the Group missions, ambitions and role in the social and economic development. The seminary also suggests to create a framework of dialogue, consultation and exchanges between the main financial and economic actors of the African Continent and thus to promote the CDG economic Model.

«This program is also the occasion to reassert, if need be, the CDG “African vocation », in implementation of the orientations of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah be with him, making therefore from it the major axis of its strategic vision and external cooperation. As part of the royal high Orientations, the CDG has continuously initiated for year new paths of «doing together » with brotherly and friendly countries of our dear continent, the objective being working together in a spirit of sharing and friendship” declared Mr. Abdellatif Zaghnoun, CDG Director General, during this seminary.

Potential partnerships have already been identified with several ECOWAS member countries, confirming thus the willingness of the CDG group to schedule in 2018 a 2nd edition of this seminary, aiming at carrying on the promotion of the « Deposit Fund model » with even more thematic segments to be discussed and to share with its African countries partners. 

Download the press release (.pdf)