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CDG Foundation : Financial support to micro-entrepreneurs as part of the support program for IGA

CDG Foundation in partnership with the Mohammed VI Microfinance Solidarity Support Centre and the Jaïda Fund, on December 3, 2015 at the headquarters of the CDG, hosted the financial aid awards ceremony for the 32 Micro-Entrepreneurs selected under the support program for innovative IGA (income-generating activities) in Morocco via micro-credit.

The ceremony opened with a welcome from the General Manager and President of the CDG Foundation, Mr. Adellatif Zaghnoun, who focused on the objectives of this program and its socio-economic dimensions. The initiative, he said, aims to encourage professional integration through the promotion of IGA through the identification of innovative proposals for IGA developed by Micro-entrepreneurs, men and women, and supported by the Microcredit Associations (AMC), and whose viability and relevance have earned from them pre-financing of their projects. Successful micro-projects require funding that micro-credits by themselves cannot fully support. The objective of this program is therefore to grant selected project leaders financial support that matches in whole or in part the personal contribution expected from these micro-entrepreneurs to fund the portion not covered by the AMC.

The ceremony was attended by the Managing Delegate of FNAM (National Federation of Microcredit Associations), the Executive Director of the Mohammed VI Microfinance Solidarity Support Centre, the representative of Jaïda Fund, the Head of bank supervision at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Presidents and Directors of AMC, representatives of the CDG and CDG Foundation and other guests.