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2013 Annual results

A strong increase of 24% in the net surplus for 2013 compared to 2012 and a stable consolidated surplus.

With regard to 2013, the Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion (CDG) recorded a net surplus of 645 million dirhams, representing a significant increase of 24% compared to 2012, while the consolidated surplus of the Group , at 964 million dirhams, remained relatively stable compared to the result recorded in 2012. The total consolidated balance sheet amounts for its part to 186.6 billion dirhams, an increase of 10% compared to 2012.

The activities of Planning, Real Estate and Tourism (AIT) are the main contributors to the net result for the group in 2013, marking a change in the trend of return on investment for the territorial development activities of the Group, particularly through the contributions of AUDA, the Agency for urbanization and development of Anfa, and CGI.

The activities of Prévoyance, the Régime Collectif d’Allocation de Retraite (RCAR) and the Caisse Nationale de Retraite et d’Assurance (CNRA) respectively display a consolidation of their total balance sheet of 0.1 % and 4%, which is a reflection of the strength of their financial foundation.

Satisfactory progress of the strategic plan Oufoq 2015

At the end of 2013, indicators of the strategic plan Oufoq 2015 of the CDG registered satisfactory rates of achievement, particularly with 806 ha of industrial zones equipped and in the course of delivery (85% of the objective Oufoq 2015), 249,000 sq. m of offshoring areas (83% of the objective Oufoq 2015), 13,500 hotel beds delivered and in course of construction (99% of the objective Oufoq 2015) and 308,000 m² of tertiary and rental real estate delivered or under construction (81% of the objective Oufoq 2015).

An economic model in the service of economic and social development of the country

As the largest institutional investor in the Kingdom, the CDG Group is a major player in the Moroccan economy. Recognized internationally for its specific aims and efficiency, the CDG economic model permits institutional savings to be safeguarded while supporting public development policies. Through its involvement in 50 building projects throughout the Kingdom, CDG Group contributes to a reduction in regional disparities and moreover acts as a lever for creating significant employment opportunities across the country.

By 2030, the amount of direct and related Group investments should reach 235 billion dirhams, representing a total of 250,000 additional jobs.

About the Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion

The Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion (CDG) is a financial institution created as a public institution in 1959. Its original mission is to collect, conserve and manage savings which, by their nature or origin, require specific protection. CDG is also a key player in the Moroccan economy and a supporter of public development strategies and policies.

The core businesses of the CDG group are:

  • Management of savings and pension funds
  • Banking, Finance and insurance
  • Territorial development

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