Signing of a partnership and framework agreements between the Ministry of Justice and the Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion
On Monday, 5 December 2022, Mr Abdellatif OUAHBI, Minister of Justice, and Mr Khalid SAFIR, Director General of CDG, met at the Ministry of Justice headquarters in furtherance of the strategic and historical partnership between the Ministry of Justice and the Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion (CDG).
2023’s outlook ?
Each year, the public debate is strongly animated, through the Projet de loi de finances (PLF), by discussions around the national economy’s outlook (growth forecasts and development prospects).
Rethinking the social and solidarity economy in Morocco
CDG Group Institute organizes a webinar on social and solidarity economy in Morocco
Webinar on the subject of “Reducing Territorial Disparities”
The CDG Group Institute and the Direction Générale des Collectivités territoriales organized a webinar on the subject of “Reducing Territorial Disparities”.
CDG GROUP INSTITUTE organised a webinar to boost tourism ecosystems
Tourism is a key driver for employment and national growth. But Covid-19 has radically changed the equation.
Rabat, July 25, 2019: On July 23, 2019, AjarInvest SA, a subsidiary of the CDG and CIH Bank, obtained approval from the Moroccan Capital Market Authority (AMMC = Autorité Marocaine du Marché des Capitaux) to operate as a management company for Real Estate Collective Investment Trust Funds (OPCI = Organismes de Placements Collectifs Immobiliers), thus becoming the first company to obtain OPCI management company status in Morocco. OPCI management companies were granted regulatory approval shortly after the necessary regulatory framework was finalized, thereby taking a further fundamental step towards the effective launch of OPCIs in Morocco. AjarInvest's AMMC accreditation status marks the culmination of the efforts made by its management to build a quality file. This achievement also reflects the regulator's confidence in the ability of the AjarInvest team to successfully carry out the OPCI management mission and the support of its two key shareholders; the CDG Group and CIH Bank. AjarInvest has been working since the beginning of the legislative and regulatory process to promote the development of the OPCI industry by supporting the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the AMMC in their discussions on the legislative and regulatory framework.
Finéa and the Caisse des Marchés Publics (Goverment Procurement Fund) of Senegal establish a strategic partnership
In the presence of Mrs Latifa Echihabi, Secretary General of the CDG and President of Finéa, and Mr Mamadou Lamine Sylla, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CDMP - SA, Finéa, subsidiary of the CDG Group, represented by Mr Ali Bensouda, Chief Executive Officer, and the Caisse des Marches Publics (CDMP SA), a subsidiary of Caisse des Depots et Consignations of Senegal, represented by Cheikh Mbacké Dieng, Chief Executive Officer, signed a strategic partnership on Friday, January 19, 2018, aimed at facilitating the launching and development of CDMP SA activities in Senegal.
Signature of a cooperative framework-agreement between the CDG and the CNSS (National Social Security Fund) of Niger
The work of the 4th session of the Morocco-Niger major joint committee was capped Tuesday, December 26th, 2017, by the signing of several cooperative agreements including a framework-agreement concluded between the Deposit and Management Fund (CDG) of Morocco and the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) of Niger.