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The Think Tank I4CE – Institute For Climate Economics welcomes a new major moroccan sponsor: Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion du Maroc (CDG)

Marrakech, COP22, November 16 2016 –We are proud to announce that Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion du Maroc (CDG), first institutional investor in Morocco, will be joining our founding members, Caisse des Dépôts Group, the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the ADEME, French Environment and Energy Management Agency, to support the governance and financing of I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics.

I4CE is a think tank dedicated to the economics of climate change, and benefits from a strong North-South knowledge base to facilitate the deployment of international development strategies.

I4CE is led by Benoît Leguet and chaired by Pierre Ducret, climate adviser to the Caisse des Dépôts Group.

I4CE provides its sponsors with its expertise based on the research, analysis and assessment of four key areas of climate economy: energy policy and carbon pricing;

cities and infrastructure; agriculture and forestry; finance and investment. As a local organization dealing with international issues, I4CE leverages its relationships within an international community of experts to deliver contemporary, well developed information on climate and energy policies.

I4CE is set to heighten its international status thanks to the participation of our new Moroccan sponsor. This new venture will further I4CE’s collaboration with academic and research institutions in Morocco and pave the way for the dissemination of its expertise in knowledge production, public policy, capacity building and other key climate issues, not only in Morocco but also across the African continent.

At COP 22, Pierre-René Lemas, CEO of Caisse des Dépôts said: "I welcome this first step in the internationalization of I4CE with a strong partner input, which share with the Caisse des Dépôts values of general interest and engagement in the energy and environmental transition. The international interest raised by the think tank is a form of recognition for the work done by the team, its Managing director Benoît Leguet and its Chair Pierre Ducret."

Abdellatif Zaghnoun, CEO of CDG: “For the CDG, which aims to play a key role in the development of Climate Finance at the national and regional levels, this partnership is timely. I am convinced that I4CE will help produce the required knowledge in the field of climate economics, will participate in strengthening the necessary capacity and will animate the policy debates both in favor of the public players and private companies.”

Rémy Rioux, Director General of the French Development Agency (AFD): "The creation of a think tank focusing on the low-carbon transition in the global North and South is an appropriate response to the ambitions of the Paris Agreement which helps to set or setting common goals for carbon sobriety. The AFD has historically promoted this transition, not only with the partner countries but also with other development banks, notably through the IDFC Club, which includes the AFD and CDG, and through the launch and dissemination of ‘Principles for Mainstreaming Climate Action within financial institutions’ at COP21."

François Moisan, Executive Director strategy, research, international of ADEME :"The rapid implementation of energy and environmental transitions trajectories is necessary to achieve our climate targets. ADEME believes that I4CE, by bringing together public actors particularly North-South mobilized on these issues, will be a particularly relevant network to assist in the design and implementation of these trajectories."