• Immeuble High Tech, avenue Ennakhil, Hay Riad, Rabat
  • 05 37 56 97 00
  • 05 37 71 63 17
  • www.jaida.ma
Madaef Branche


Banque et Finance

Madaef Activité

Field of activity

Financement des institutions de microfinance


JAÏDA is an approved financing company for microfinance institutions in Morocco, set up by its founding shareholders (CDG, KfW (the German Development Bank), the French Caisse des Dépôts (CDC) and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD)) and were joined in 2010 by Barid Al Maghrib. Its mission is to support the development of microfinance institutions by providing them with financing and assisting them in setting up development programs, based on microcredit offers tailored to the needs of their customers.

Since its creation in 2007, JAÏDA has invested nearly MAD 4.4 billion (€ 400 million) in the microfinance sector in Morocco. 

With a market share of almost 12.8%, i.e. total outstandings of MAD 933 million (€ 93 million) by end December 2023, JAÏDA has established itself as one of the largest providers of funds to the sector in Morocco. 


Flagship projects