Madaef Branche


Branche Investissement

Madaef Activité

Field of activity



The Third-Party Management (TPM) activity of CDG Invest is dedicated to private equity management on behalf of institutional investors in Morocco wishing to outsource this function. This offer includes several strategic missions, such as: (i) contribution to the definition of the strategic allocation, (ii) development of a customized investment strategy that meets the expectations of the client, particularly in terms of risk, (iii) origination and execution of transactions as per the investment strategy, (iv) monitoring of the portfolio, and (v) management of the administrative, accounting, financial, tax and legal aspects.

With the introduction of the GPCT activity, CDG Invest diversifies its offer to provide a comprehensive and customized solution for Moroccan institutional investors. This new offer represents an important step in our commitment to responding to the evolving needs of the financial market. 

To date, an initial management mandate has been signed with RCAR to manage its private equity business. 

Flagship projects